
Friday, 14 August 2015

Book Review: The Maze Runner series

          If you are a bookworm like I am, then surely you must be having certain favorite book or series. It’s like you read a book and you love it so much that you end it greedily and then regret ending it. And then you keep babbling about it to your friends, Siblings and even people who hates reading. You can even read the book all over again and still enjoy every second reading it. Personally I never had any favorite novel till date and I used to think how people can read a book all over again and never get bored of it. Until I read ‘The Maze Runner Series’. I was going to write an individual review for each book but the whole series was so interesting that it consumed my mind and I read the whole series.
The series got three books:

1.       The Maze Runner

2.       The Scorch Trails

3.       The Death Cure

It also have two prequels, first is ‘the kill order’ and other is ‘the fever code’ (which is not yet released). But it is ok if you read the series’ first and ignore prequel.

So let’s talk about the book covers first. The covers of all the three books are pretty catchy. And I’m sure you will fall in love with them at first sight.

           What is the concept? The ‘Wicked’ is an association which is running menacing trails on people to get a cure for the fatal disease which consumes the human brain making them crazy. This disease is named as ‘the flare’. The flare is caused by the sun which emits more heat than usual eventually making people sick. This is an incurable disease. The people diagnosed with this becomes insane and filthy and their body is also covered with boils and burns caused by the sun. The wicked is performing experiments on Gladers (residents of glade), persuading them to go through fatal environments in order to track down how their brain reacts to it. By doing so they assure that they will find a cure. The concept was really nice and unique. The book is a roller-coaster ride, there are ups and downs and you will never regret it. All the characters were explained in detail and also you can relate to them as well. I seriously felt a connection with the main characters. It is an easy read. The books consist of only 200 to 300 pages. Which makes it quick read.

       Would I recommend the book? Yes, I would. This series is a must read. The book is a whole package adventure, action, suspense, thriller, fantasy, it has everything you can name of. So go of it cranks.

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