YouTube Tuesday, adopted from Josh at Its Tiger Time, is a day set aside for sharing your favorite video. Feel free to join in each week and see how creative we bloggers can be. Each month, Josh will highlight a selected video and present the winner with the ‘You Tube Tuesday’ Award.
If you participate, remember to leave your YouTube Tuesday link at Its Tiger Time as well as all the blogs you visit.....♫ ♫♫
I am sharing movie trailer of Hachiko : A dog’s story. I particularly enjoyed this movie, because the main hero of the story is a dog named “Hachi”.
A very interesting movie based on true story about a dog and his master, clearly mentions the bond the dog and his masters shares. Though the movie made me cry in the end, I would recommend this movie to all of you. Watch this movie if you haven’t.
Watch the movie trailer of Hachiko.
If you participate, remember to leave your YouTube Tuesday link at Its Tiger Time as well as all the blogs you visit.....♫ ♫♫
Hachiko : A dog’s Story
I am sharing movie trailer of Hachiko : A dog’s story. I particularly enjoyed this movie, because the main hero of the story is a dog named “Hachi”.
A very interesting movie based on true story about a dog and his master, clearly mentions the bond the dog and his masters shares. Though the movie made me cry in the end, I would recommend this movie to all of you. Watch this movie if you haven’t.
Watch the movie trailer of Hachiko.